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Massage at Zakynthos
Read more about special techniques

What is lymphatic Massage?

This type of massage is a gentle drainage technique and affects the lymphatic system of the entire body. With the lymph drainage, the entire lymphatic system is turned on by means of special techniques to achieve an improvement in lymph drainage.

The Lymphatic system is located in the different skin layers (in the skin) and transports a lot of waste products throughout our body. Our skin is the largest organ and has nerve connections with our entire body.

So this system has also have a nerve connection and with the drainage technique these nerves are specifically stimulated.

The special massage technique creates a large suction force through the lymphatic system and a large range.
With an improvement in lymph drainage, toxins will be removed faster, resulting in an improvement in cell metabolism.

Lymph drainage can be applied to:

  • Lymph edema
  • Stress and burn-out complaints
  • Fibromyalgia, pain relief
  • Severe to very severe headache
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Constipation symptoms or Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Chronic and Allergic colds (Sinusitis)
  • Chronic skin changes like Eczema, Allergy
  • Scar treatment
  • Glaucoma
What is connective tissue massage (segmental therapy)?

Connective tissue massage or rather segmental therapy is a reflex zone massage. This assumes that there are zones on the body that are connected by the nervous system to all lymph, organs and organ systems located in a certain nerve area (segment).

Working with this technique means : a mechanical stimulus is stimulatintheg nerve ends located in the skin and connective tissue. When this stimulus is given in a certain zone (connective tissue zone), organs or muscles, joints and blood vessels, which have a connection with this zone, are stimulated at a distance.

The blood flow increases in the area of the disturbance, which will improve body functions and complaints can decrease or disappear.

This massage technique is important:

  • When overloading organ systems (muscles, joint, capsule, bones,blood vessels)
  • In case of diseases or abnormalities of organs or organ systems
  • In case of residual states after operations or disorders
  • after traumatic acciddents (example car)
  • In case of circulation disorders
  • After trauma
  • In case of emotions (chronic stress)
  • As a result of poor nutrition
  • As result of frequent medication use

An example might be:
Constipation complaints, sometimes only occurring when there are psychological tensions and they can all arise from an intestinal zone.
Stimulation of an intestinal area in the pelvic area will reduce or eliminate complaints.
Examples are:
travel, exams, changing shifts, in relation to nutrition, headaches in relation to stool problems and shoulder and hip complaints
What is Foot Reflex Massage?

Foot Reflex Massage is a natural healing method that is stimulating the self-healing ability through the reflex zones of the feet. Every organ or organ system in the body can be found on the foot.

The place where that organ comes back on the foot is called a reflex area. In the reflex area, the nerves that affect the organ are locatred in connection. By massaging the reflex areas, good flow of energy is ensured. The blood circulation is improved and the removal of waste products is stimulated

The effect of foot reflexology massage:

  • has a relaxing effect
  • improved physical and emotional complaints
  • can be applied preventively
  • headaches are removed
  • stress relief
  • intestinal problems are relieved
  • Fatigue can be greatly reduced

Foot reflexology massage something for you?

Foot reflexology massage can be applied alongside other, regular and complementary treatment methods.
You can enjoy a beneficial one-time foot reflexology massage. Long-term or chronic complaints will preferably be treated 1x per week in a treatment process of several treatments. I will also encourage you to learn to recognize and treat your own reflex areas, so that the treatment can have a greater effect by promoting your own recovery.
What is the Medical Tape Concept?

The Medical Tape Concept was developed from the idea that movement and muscle activity are essential to maintain or restore health. Muscles are not only necessary for movement, but also determine, for example, blood and lymph circulation and body temperature. If muscles do not function properly, this can cause a range of complaints and disorders.

The tape corresponds to human skin in terms of elasticity and weight. The elasticity of the tape is therefore used in relation to the elasticity of the skin, so that the tape has a kind of lifting effect on the epidermis(skin).  This creates more space in the area of the subcutis (subcutaneous tissue) where all kinds of receptors, blood and lymph vessels are located.

The anti-allergic, ventilating and skin-friendly properties of the required tape ensure that the tape can be worn for a longer period of time. In this way, a 24-hour treatment is possible (or up to 36 hours or more), so that recovery from complaints and disorders can proceed much faster. It can also be an excellent extension / supplement / support of a massage treatment.

Effects and indications:

  • Improve muscle function through tension regulation
  • Remove barriers in blood circulation and lymph drainage
  • Pain relief
  • Support joint function, by:
  •         - stimulating balance control
  •         - corrections of the direction of movement
  •         - increase stability
  • Neuroreflective influence
  • Hypertonic muscles relax
  • Protecting muscles from overload
  • Joints protect and influence direction of movement
  • Mute pain
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Reduce lymph edema
  • Reduce haematomas
  • Improve sense of balance
  • Correct body posture
  • Correcting fascia

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