Massage - Relax & Restore

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Massage & Retreat

Hello! I like to tell you...
I am a certified massage therapist for 15 years now
and work with a lot of techniques together.
That's why
Relax & Restore massage therapy is
very special, unique and benificial
for your Body and Health.

Explore your massage therapy

when you enjoy your stay with us at
the Emotional Healing & Relax retreat
we offer at Zakynthos Island

Relax & Restore massage therapy
Massage Techniques in the mix

Welness Massage
Lymfatic Massage
Deep Tissue Massage
Footreflex Massage
Meridian Massage
Acupressure techniques

relax massage
massage table Zante
Massage Therapy
Enjoy the best way of Relax & Restore yourself

After a personal made treatment for you:
  • you can relax better
  • your skin feels soft and smells amazing!
  • feelings of tension are relaxed
  • function of muscles are improved                                       
  • improve physical and emotional well-being
  • and more............
Relax & Restore
Massage Therapy

With this Massage Therapy treatment you can enjoy a real welness massage, mixed with other more therapeutical massage treatments together.

I work with the best massage techniques combined in one special made treatment for you, so that you can experience the most beautifull and healthy way of Relax & Restore your health, body and mind!

I am happy to work with a beautifull massage of the best local products made at Zakynthos Island by Therianos Family.
The smell of the oil is one Amazing experience and is also relaxing for you!

After a treatment:
  • you can relax better
  • blood circulation is improved
  • your skin feels soft and smells amazing!
  • feelings of tension are relaxed
  • your restlessness will be relieved
  • your health is improved
  • function of muscles are improved                                        
  • waste products are removed                                           
  • your metabolism is stimulated and improved
  • you enjoy physical and emotional well-being
  • blockages can be lifted or at least reduced
whatsapp or call: +31 655 724 538

Spiritual Intuitive Massage
This treatment is very effective
for both physical & spiritual recovery

Spiritual Intuitive massage is a combination of
Chakra Healing & Welness Massage

With this type of massage i focus at the condition of your whole body & soul. This massage has a relaxing character and is performed slowly and smoothly.

Enjoy together with the massage a total Chakra Healing to restore and clean up your aura field and enjoy an amzing feeling of rest and joy in your emotional and spiritual feelings again. All your chakra's will be activated and cleared of negative energy, so you can relax on a physical and emotional way.
 After a treatment:
  • you can relax better
  • your blood ciculation is better
  • feelings of tension will be relieved
  • you're sleep is better then before
  • your chakra's are clean and activated
  • you are more balanced
  • you can enjoy your day
  • and feel full of energy!
Read more about special techniques

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